Thursday, June 1, 2017

MommyCon 2017 & A Discount for your Tickets !

Hi Friends !

I will be attending MommyCon Orlando once again this year in 2017! I am so pleased be a part of this amazing parenting group and be able to share such a special day sharing stories and learning about the newest and best in natural parenting.

Last year we attended MommyCon I was pregnant with Jacob, we learned so much that we "thought" we knew just having Matthew 1.5 years prior! I am proud to say I have been nursing Jacob 7 months! A personal victory for me, a lot of it has to do with the support I received from MommyCon 2016.

I know you would love to come be a part of MommyCon and you can in multiple places this year use the code MAGNOLIA17 for $5 EACH ticket!

See you there!
-Amy @themagnoliamom