Ring in the New Year with
Bright White Teeth from
Smile Brilliant + Don't miss the GIVEAWAY at the bottom !!!!
For those of you who are new here on The Magnolia Mom Blog this is my husband Bobby, who is the proud new owner of a
BRIGHT WHITE SMILE! My husband drinks way too much coffee; well who doesn't right? As a result his teeth were stained, to be honest he will do anything to avoid a trip to the dentist, when he herd this was a dentist free way to professionally whiten he was all in!
Within a few days we received the kit witch included everything needed to make the custom fitted whiting trays including extra past in case you make a mistake! We followed the simple instructions to make the molds and let them sit overnight prior to popping them into the pre-paid envelop and dropping them off in the mail box.
In just a few short days they were here, he tried them on and they fit perfect!!
He started using the system the same night he received the trays and loved the overall ease of use, he could still watch T.V and play with the kids while he was whitening. The Custom Fitted Trays are amazing and have so many
Benefits including a 2 year replacement warranty!
Check This Out!
Note that after treatment two he started getting a bit of sensitivity in his gums, he used a little Vaseline Gel prior to whitening the next treatments and did not have the issue anymore.
For all you over researchers out there like me, checkout another before and after
here :)
Now you want to try Smile Brilliant for yourself right? Go enter this
GIVEAWAY! This giveaway ends in two weeks.
Everyone wins! If you do not win this giveaway don't miss out, use the coupon code for 5% OFF ! coupon code:
Whitening Teeth At Home
This Giveaway is in collaboration with SMILE BRILLIANT!
Note: I was kindly sent the
product featured in this post in exchange for writing about it. It’s thanks to wonderful sponsors like these
that The Magnolia Mom is able to keep running! All opinions are my own.